Monday, October 17, 2011

inthemidstofhardship orginal version DALAMBENCANA

Mereka pulang ke rumah
waktu subuh hari
dengan pakaian robek basah
menghampiri api tungku
lengan mereka penuh calar
kaki mereka penuh luka
tapi di kening mereka
tidak kelihatan rasa kecewa
Sehari semalaman
mereka mengharungi banjir
berendam antara bangkai ternakan
dan serpihan kulit tumbuhan
kerbau balar si buyung
masih belum ditemui.
Mereka dilahirkan dalam bencana
tidak ada keluhan dan kutukan
kini mereka berjenaka di dapur
sambil menggulung rokok daun.
by:Latiff Mohidin

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

yay..u make me sick!

some people asked me
why I chose to stay far away from my parents
and how dare they question the love that I have for my family
hey big "L" on forehead!!
I DO love my family
Yes, I choose to stay far away from my hometown, my siblings and most importantly my parents
I have my own reasons...

I used to be the stubborn headed girl
I used to be a rebel
I used to be a pain in the ass
I used to "dislike" (hate is a very strong word) my parents
that's why I choose be like this
living in other people's place
It's like a life lesson or punishment to me
that I create for myself
so that I will learn the value of family
so that I will miss them in every breath that I take
so that I will be eager driving back for 5 hours to Kuantan just to meet them
to see my parents' loving eyes
to see my sister's stony face
to listen to my brothers' not-so-evil laugh
to hold my naughty naughty nephews

so stop questioning me for god's sake...
just because I say I love living in other places except my hometown
doesn't mean I hate staying at my home town
I am NOT you
you just don't know me
so ficken off!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011


tak salah pun kalau membantu orang lain..lagi-lagi kawan...
tak sakit kalau luangkan masa berharga untuk mendengar masalah orang lain..lagi-lagi keluarga

kaya harta tak bawa ke kubur
kaya budi membawa kepada doa yang baik-baik dari orang lain

biarlah tak pakai handphone termahal kat dunia
biarla tak duduk rumah banglo 5 bilik siap ada kolam ikan
biarlah tak pakai kereta mewah
asalkan hati kita bersih dan niak kita baik perlakuan kita munasabah

ingat sikit
hidup memang berputar
kejap di atas puncak sehingga diagung-agung...
kejap di bawah sehingga dipijak-pijak

sementara masih senang, harta banyak ni la kita nk tolong orang
bukannya apabila ada yang meminta bantuan kita jawab acuh tak acuh
campak orang tu kat orang lain macam bola

orang kata "what you give, you get back"
itu hukum Tuhan, atau orang suka kata "karma"
tak lama apa yang kita buat akan kena balik kat kita
masa senang kita lupa diri, berat tangan, gelap hati nak tolong orang
masa kita di bawah atau susah orang lain akan seribu kali berat tangan, sejuta kali gelap hati nak tolong kita

tak mati pun kalau kita cuba membantu kawan kita
nak nak pula kalau kawan kita cuba minta tolong tentang sesuatu yang memang boleh sangat kita tolong

setiap kalai terasa berat tangan nak tolong, ingatlah
suatu hari nanti kita pun akan dibalas benda yang sama...


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

oh no!

I accepted what He gives to me....
all the obstacles, hardship in life made me grow stronger...
He loves me that's why He tests me....He wants to know how much I love Him back...

He helps me get back on track whenever I forget my purpose....
He gives me bitterness in life in order for me to taste the sweetness that awaits...
and I can't be more thankful to Him for showing His love...
He tested me....then He shows me the ways....

Thank you Allah for everything....
I did forget you sometimes and You help me to remember You again..
Thank you for loving me... =)

Monday, September 26, 2011

my wish will not come true....again~~

why oh why??
someone please make me understand this...again, my birthday wish for this year will not come true...I've been wishing for the same thing for two years now...
why the ficken Paramore, Justin BIBIR, Sum "freaking" 41 di'arrange' to come to Malaysia and perform, while the bands that have excellent musics are not even seen or even invited to Malaysia?
they are being under-appreciated by people who just love musics by trend...while the quality are all rubbish...

My heart is screaming for them to come...
Each day I would hoping that I could listen to their songs on the radio...but it seems like Malaysians (most of us) just don't know how to appreciate good musics...curse you!!

MEW fans, Arctic Monkeys fan, The Strokes fan, raise your hand if you really really want them to come to our beloved country Malaysia!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

why did I forget?

shoot man...super shoot...
cmne aku leh lupa...
why? why?
now I'm regretting it....
haw can I forget it's Jonas Bjerre's b-day??
uhuk....nak nanges....
dhla wish aku utk mew dtg Malaysia mcm tnggal wish shj...
leh plak aku lupa my fav singer nye bday...sedey okay!!!
gloomy day~~!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

mood raya

yeah..raya dh semakin dekat....
jd anak dagang ni, bahang raya mmg boleh rasa sangat-sangat.....
tak sabar nk tggu hari Jumaat...
bunyik je loceng skolah trus nk angkat kaki blah dari sekolah..balik umah, mandi2 trus angkat kaki blah dr Kulai...
rindunye kampung halaman...
rindunye Kuantan...
rindunya Taman Gelora...
rindunye mak ayah...rindunye abang-abang n irah
rindunye ultraman-ultraman dan sailormoon- sailormoon tu...
rindu kat choco....
rindunye katil...

abes suma pasal Kuantan aku rindu....
Ya Allah..Kau selamatkanlah perjalanan aku pulang ke kampung halaman...
semoga aku selamat sampai dalam keadaan yang sempurna supaya dapat meraikan hari raya dengan keluarga yang tercinta..amin...